Saturday, October 16, 2010

Our Little Photo Shoot

I loaded the kids up in the car today and took them out to do a photo shoot.  I wanted to capture some of the autumn scenery at it's best.  Unfortunately, there were a lot of trees that had already lost their leaves which surprises me.

Alysia was ready to go.
James was as ready as he was going to be.
Parker...not so much.

I took along a chair, two pumpkins and a wagon for props.  Parker had more fun with the pumpkins and the wagon so we decided to ditch those and move to another location.  At one point the pumpkins were rolling down the hill and Alysia and James were running to get them and Parker was crying hysterically because he couldn't get to them.  I was laughing so hard I couldn't get a pic!

Here are some of my favs from the day.

This is one of the {very} few that I got Parker smiling.

 This is my beauty!!

Alysia and James got along very well without any prodding from me!
That is a rarity!

 Parker would NOT look at the camera unless I told him there was a "bug" on the lens...then he wanted to touch it!

 This is one of my favs of Alysia!
 Adorable...I couldn't get him to smile at me so he was laughing at his sister!

 Where is that DARN BUG???

 This tree was B E A U T I F U L!!  There was every color imaginable on it!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the colors Beth!! The pics are great!!