Saturday, June 26, 2010

Want To Get Healthier?!

I am now an Herbalife Distributor for any of you that are contemplating use of their products.

Herbalife is a company that began 28 years ago with a “mission for nutrition”.  Today, Herbalife has more than a million distributors worldwide, offering the line of Herbalife to people who want to lose weight and look and feel better. The weight management line consists of meal programs and supplements that can help dieters achieve their weight loss goals more efficiently. Supplements include those for appetite suppression, metabolism boosters and enhancers.

My husband has been using Herbalife for a couple months now and has dropped about 20 pounds.  His father also is using it for weight loss and better health.

I too use their products but not for weight loss.  Instead of using them to replace my meals, I use them as a snack in addition to a healthly diet so that I get all of the nutrition that my body needs.  I have been known to eat small meals and not really get the calories or vitamins and minerals that I need so this is a perfect way for me to get exactly what my body needs.  And let me tell you, their shakes are awesome!!  The Lemon Cheesecake and the Snickers are my faves....yum, yum!!

Let me know if there is anything that you need or if you want more information you can email me at

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